Legal Age To Stay Home Alone By State? Top Full Guide 2022

A family law attorney in your jurisdiction will be able to explain the laws of your state and help you understand how to comply with them. Texas law does not state what age is old enough for a child to stay at home alone. However, you are accountable for the safety of your child, and failure to properly supervise your child could be considered as a type of neglect (“neglectful supervision”). There’s no legal age a child can be left home alone, but it’s against the law to leave a child alone if it puts them at risk1. Every child matures differently, so it would be almost impossible to have a “one size fits all” law.

can 8 year old stay home alone

Babies, toddlers, and children under the age of three should never be left alone. Children under the age of 12 are seldom mature enough to deal with an emergency and should not be left alone at home for an extended amount of time. Children under the age of sixteen should never be left alone overnight. Aside from the precautions stated above, it’s always good to notify close neighbors that your kid may be home alone on certain days. A neighbor can be a valuable resource in an emergency, but it may also assist in reducing calls to child protective services from uninformed neighbors. There are, however, many states such as Texas and California, that do not state a minimum age.

What Guidelines Should Be Considered to Leave the Child Home Alone?

7 & Under - Should not be left alone for any period of time. If that goes well, starting around age 11 or 12 parents might consider leaving them for up to three hours, but not late at night. This is the range of time they may be able to handle being alone after school.

can 8 year old stay home alone

The state of Vermont has no law or guideline regarding the minimum age at which a child can be left home alone. It’s highly advisable to study your state’s laws before leaving your child home alone. Your area’s laws and policies can consider leaving your child unsupervised as neglect, especially in an unsafe environment.

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Since then, we’ve reviewed more family rules about what to do and not to do while at home alone. And over the past year, we’ve left her alone for longer stretches of time as we grow into this new responsibility as a family. Beyond legal matters, parents need also to consider the maturity and willingness of their child. My four-lesson course will teach you how to get started, avoid nagging & power struggles, and keep your kids motivated. In the United States, there are fourteen states that indicate the minimum age when a child can be left alone – either with an explicit suggestion or an actual law on the books.

can 8 year old stay home alone

With proper supervision, you don’t have to worry about a single thing. Is your child physically and mentally mature enough to take care of themselves and the house? And is your home in a safe and well-monitored environment?

At What Age Can You Leave a Child Home Alone in Texas?

But my head couldn’t quite process what it would feel like to have that freedom – to know my kids were old enough and mature enough to be on their own for even a few minutes. Draw up a list of all the emergency contacts in case your child might need it. These could include your family doctor, police or a neighbor. This is also helpful if your teen will be looking after younger siblings.

It’s a big question, and one that’s becomehotly debated in recent years. Lucky for us, one mom blogger’s done some fact-finding to help parents make this decision. Contact a qualified family law attorney to make sure your rights are protected. Consider programs offered by schools, organizations, and churches as an alternative to leaving a child home alone for extended periods time. Never allow a child to work the oven or stove without a parent or adult caretaker. Designate a "safe house" to run to if the child ever feels that they're in danger.

But more importantly: is your child ready?

This includes leaving children alone in automobiles, playgrounds, and backyards. The risks in the surroundings and the caretaker’s capacity to react would be the deciding factors. Kids should be encouraged to explore on their own as discovery begins. Truth be told there’s no hard-and-fast rule, law, or definitive age when children can be left alone.

There is some consequence for unlawfully leaving a child alone. Each state follows the same specific punishments for these parents, but they also may alter some to satisfy the state rules. If it is suspected that a child is unlawfully left alone at home, Child Protective Services will begin an investigation to determine the child's safety in the household. If the investigation shows that the child was in danger while alone, they will be taken into state custody. The parent will also have the potential to be charged with child endangerment or child abandonment, especially if the child is harmed while home alone.

Also have your first aid kit in an easily accessible place and make sure your child knows where it is and how to use it. Also, include some emergency lights in case the lights go out. Even though the law in some states does specify either a legal age or recommendation, there are many other factors to consider before leaving your child home alone. That question is never an easy one to answer, but the law in your state does provide guidance. Because your child's safety is of paramount importance, speak with a legal expert who can provide you with a clear answer.

Most parents would agree that it seems they seldom get time to themselves, but most parents would never leave their kids alone in a vacation rental while on vacation. Susan Terrillion of Maryland did, during a family trip to Delaware. She left her 8- and 9-year-old kids at the rental alone to go pick up takeout.


Every Thursday I’ll send you one parenting tip about raising self-sufficient kids and creating the peaceful relationship you yearn to have with your child. Even if your children are still too young to stay at home alone, you can start teaching them some skills that will make it easier to leave them home alone when they are older. You can teach them how to lock and unlock the doors. Make sure they know who to contact in an emergency and when to call for help. Use the FindMyKids app to help keep your children safe and secure. This app enables you to keep track of your child without having to constantly check in with them.

Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. Call the child several times during the day while you are away. Post a list of emergency, local, and long distance numbers to call in the event of an emergency. 8 to 10 Years - Should not be left alone for more than 1½ hours and only during daylight and early evening hours. At we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live, gather and work.

Leaving a Child Home Alone and the Law

It is important to consider maturity and emotional health. The police or child protection services can remove children from situations where they’re at risk of serious harm. There is no explicit rule in California governing the age at which a kid may be left alone at home. Factors such as the child’s maturity and emotional level and any physical or psychiatric disorders or limitations must be addressed. If you leave siblings at home together, don’t put one in charge of the others–it’s a formula for sibling rivalry and hatred.

can 8 year old stay home alone

In addition to the suggestions listed above, it's always a good idea to inform immediate neighbors that your child may be home alone on some days. Not only can a neighbor be a good resource in the event of an emergency, it can help alleviate potential calls to child protective services by unaware neighbors. All states have recommendations on when to leave your child alone, and some have passed laws about it. No matter how prepared you are, unexpected things can still happen. That’s why you need to ready your child in case something were to occur. Teach them where the first aid kit is and give them a list of emergency numbers to call, such as 911.


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